Ways in which everyone can save the ocean


Plastic Free Alternatives

Tote bags, aluminium water bottles and containers and reusable metal straws are all easy and productive ways to save on plastics. By keeping these items in one’s purse or bag, there is no end to the amount of ocean waste that is now prevented from entering the ocean. Purchase these items from the majority of online retailers including Amazon. Furthermore, when shopping at a grocery store, attempt not to purchase items, especially fruit and vegetables that are wrapped in plastic wrapping – every little bit helps.

Reduce Carbon Footprint

Carbon emissions lead to global warming and the destruction of ocean habitat such as coral reefs – luckily there is an easy everyday solution, stop being lazy! If it’s a sunny day get some exercise and bike or walk. Additionally, carpool with friends or take public transport, many of which is not electric, causing no carbon emissions. Flying is another great spender of harmful gases to environment, so why not get out and explore your own neighbourhood and country instead of that far-away getaway!

Sustainable Seafood

Just because it states it on the label doesn’t mean that its true. So many items can have illegal species in them, pet food for example can have shark in it, cosmetics the same. 1/3 of all seafood is illegally caught. If you have a craving for an endangered species, please think again, instead consume fish that have a healthy stock. Do your research to find out which species are edible and plentiful. If you live by the sea, learn to spearfish, the most effective way to chose your own meal without the mass by-catch of long-lining and trawling.


Vote on constituents and their legislations that promote the passing of bills and laws to implement marine protected areas, prevent habitat destruction or propose the revival of whaling.

Boycott Countries that Promote Ocean Degradation

While their landscapes are ones of stunning beauty, governments in countries such as China, Japan, Norway, Denmark and Iceland are known to care little about the environment and especially the ocean. In fact, these countries mentioned above either hunt whales by the hundreds per year, or openly sell shark and other exotic animals in their local markets.

Leave Nothing Behind

Pick up garbage at the beach. Even if its not yours, take plastic bottles, bags or non compostable materials and drop them in the trash cans or recycling. By conducting these simple cleans you may be saving a seabird who would ingest plastic and die.

Don’t Take

On the opposite spectrum, don’t take things from the beach, items such as shells, even though they may be pretty and a collector’s item they are also a home for crabs and molluscs.

Furthermore, try not to buy coral, sharks teeth or turtle shells in markets or even in expensive city shops, animals died for these items.

Get Involved in Community Projects or Film Nights

Watch eye-opening, educational productions such as Blue, Sharkwater and End of the Line to educate yourself to glaring ocean issues. If you live close to a hub city or town be aware of lectures or seminars by ocean advocates such as David Attenborough, Valerie Taylor or Sylvia Earle.

If you live close to a beach participate in beach clean-ups or marine mammal medic workshops to save beached whales, dolphins and seals.


